Hooliganism in Moroccan Football: Sanctions Imposed on Raja de Casablanca and Maghreb de Tétouan

Despite the numerous sanctions, hooliganism continues to be a persistent issue in Moroccan football. Acts of violence marred the match between Maghreb de Tétouan and Raja de Casablanca on February 24th, during the 21st round of the Botola Pro Inwi. The Royal Moroccan Football Federation’s Disciplinary Committee has handed down sanctions on Raja de Casablanca, who will have to play four matches behind closed doors. The Casablanca-based club also faces a fine of 4,600 euros for the same incidents. On the other hand, Maghreb de Tétouan has been fined 2,700 euros for the use of flares (repeat offense) and throwing projectiles.

Norris Chalut
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