Angolan football team rewarded and motivated for the match against Nigeria

The Angolan football team, known as the Palancas Negras, has received several rewards and promises following their qualification for the quarter-finals of the African Cup of Nations. They defeated Namibia 3-0 in the round of 16, and for their outstanding performance, each player will receive a monetary reward of 4 million Fcfa (5 million Kwanzas) from the Angolan Investment Bank. In addition, Aguinaldo Jaime, the chairman of the board of UNITEL, a private Angolan mobile phone company, has gifted each player an iPhone 15 with free calls, SMS, and internet for one year.

To further motivate the team for their upcoming match against the Super Eagles of Nigeria, SODIAM EP, another company, has promised a cash prize of $250,000 (152,000 million CFA francs) if the Angolan team defeats Nigeria.

Norris Chalut
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